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Festivals Malta jniedi l-kalendarju tal-avvenimenti għal Rock’N Malta għas-sena 2023.

Lordi u Mike and the Mechanics fost oħrajn se jkunu f’Malta għal kunċerti seperati.
Ritratt ta' Gareth Degorgio

Il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali, Dr Owen Bonnici, flimkien ma' Festivals Malta, nedew il-kalendarju għas-sena 2023 t’avvenimenti għal Rock’N Malta, fond amministrat minn Festivals Malta, bil-għan li jinċentiva lill-artisti u organizzaturi lokali biex jinvestu fil-mużika ta’ ġeneru rock u s-sottoġeneri kollha tagħha.

Dr Owen Bonnici spjega kif wara s-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet li saret f’Lulju li għadda, l-aġenzija irċeviet rispons pożittiv ħafna u b’kollox ġew magħżula total ta’ 20-il applikant li ser jibbenifikaw minn dan il-fond.

“Sa mit-tnedija ta’ dan il-festival fl-2017, rnexxilna noffru s-sapport lil diversi artisti u organizzaturi lokali biex jipproduċu kunċerti tar-rock u s-sottoġeneri kollha ta’ dan il-ġeneru, dan il-festival mhux biss jgħati sapport lill-artisti lokali, iżda jgħin ukoll lill-organizzaturi biex jospitaw diversi artisti ta’ fama internazzjonali fix-xena tal-mużika rock,” qal Dr Bonnici.

Iċ-Chairman ta’ Festivals Malta Aaron Zahra qal li “permezz tal-fond ta’ Rock’N Malta, Festivals Malta qiegħed jinvesti bis-sħiħ fil-mużika rock bil-għan li jgħin artisti li għadhom fil-bidu tal-karriera u permezz t'hekk jistabbilixxu ruħhom f’dan is-settur. Dan il-fond jgħin ukoll lill-aġenzija biex tilħaq udjenzi ġodda permezz ta’ artisti internazzjonali li diġa għandhom diversi segwaċi f'pajjiżna. Ninsabu ċerti li dawn l-avvenimenti ser ikunu ta’ suċċess u nħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku sabiex jipparteċipa u jattendi għal dawn l-avvenimenti.”

Il-kap eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Annabelle Stivala, ħabbret il-programm tal-avvenimenti li ser isiru bejn Marzu u Diċembru tal-2023, u qalet li dan il-festival kompla jżewwaq il-portafoll rikk tal-aġenzija. “Aktar importanti minn hekk, dan il-fond jgħin lil Festivals Malta biex jilħaq il-mira tiegħu li joffri sapport lill-artisti u l-organizzaturi lokali billi jtaffi l-piż finanzjarju li jġibu magħhom produzzjonijiet bħal dawn,” sostniet Stivala.

Il-programm tal-avvenimenti mniedi s'issa għal Rock’N Malta 2023 huwa dan:

Lordi - Marzu

Dark Malta – April

Music Playground – Bejn April u Settembru

Rock the South 10th Edition | A Symphonic Rock Show - Mejju

Kunċert Rock | Gogol Bordello – Ġunju

John Lees’ Barclay James Harvest – Lulju

Plaguefest – Awwissu

Venti Music Fest | The Creepers – Blues in Malta – Settembru

Rock Wired - Ottubru

A Symphonic Rock Orchestra and Choir - Novembru

The Gozo Youth Orchestra – Novembru u Diċembru

The Travellers Christmas Concert – Diċembru

Mike and the Mechanics | Rock in the Forest | Steven Rothery | Alan Parsons – Id-dati ta’ dawn, u ta' xi avvenimenti oħra, ser jiġu mħabbra aktar ’l quddiem.


Festivals Malta launches Rock’N Malta 2023 calendar of events.

Lordi and Mike and the Mechanics, among others, will be in Malta for separate concerts.

The Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, Dr Owen Bonnici, together with Festivals Malta, announced the programme for year 23 of events for Rock’N Malta, a fund managed by Festivals Malta, in an initiative created to incentivise artists and promoters to invest in the rock genre and all its subgenres.

Dr Bonnici explained “after a call for applications was issued in July 2022, the agency received a very positive response, out of which 20 applicants were successful and will benefit from this fund.

“Since the festival was launched in 2017, Festivals Malta has supported numerous local artists and event organisers in the production of rock concerts and rock subgenres. The festival has not only supported the locals but has also helped organisers host various renowned artists from the international rock scene” Dr Bonnici concluded.

Festivals Malta Chairman Aaron Zahra said that “through the Rock’N Malta Fund, Festivals Malta is investing in the local rock industry, with the aim of helping artists, who are starting their musical career, to establish themselves in the sector while reaching new audiences through the international acts that already have a large following locally and internationally. We are certain that these events will be a success and I encourage the public to attend and participate in these events.”

Annabelle Stivala, CEO of Festivals Malta outlined the programme of events which will take place between March and December 2023 and stated that “the festival has enriched the Agency’s portfolio of events. More importantly, the fund enables Festivals Malta to fulfil its mission to help the industry evolve and elevate the quality of events produced through the support of local artists and event organisers by alleviating some of the financial burdens that come with producing events.”

The Rock’N Malta 2023 programme of events will be as follows:

Lordi - March

Dark Malta – April

Music Playground – Between April and September

Rock the South 10th Edition | A Symphonic Rock Show - May

Kunċert Rock | Gogol Bordello – June

John Lees’ Barclay James Harvest – July

Plaguefest – August

Venti Music Fest | The Creepers – Blues in Malta – September

Rock Wired – October

A Symphonic Rock Show and Choir – November

The Gozo Youth Orchestra – November and December

The Travellers Christmas Concert – December

Mike and the Mechanics | Rock in the Forest | Steven Rothery | Alan Parsons – These dates, together with other events, will be announced later this year.


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