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Notte Bianca tirritorna fil-5 ta’ Ottubru

Imniedi programm varjat li jinkludi prestazzjonijiet madwar il-Belt Valletta kollha

Il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici flimkien ma’ Festivals Malta, nedew il-programm għal din l-edizzjoni ta’ Notte Bianca li ser issir is-Sibt 5 ta’ Ottubru 2024. 


Il-Ministru Bonnici spjega kif din l-edizzjoni ta’ Notte Bianca ser tinkludi ’l fuq minn 50 attività imxerrda madwar il-Belt Valletta u li b’kollox ser tinvolvi madwar 250 artist lokali u internazzjonali tal-għola kwalità.

Ritratt: Darren Agius

“Isir sforz kbir biex ikollna varjetà ta’ attivitajiet jappellaw għall-etajiet kollha, u jkompli jżid il-valur tal-kultura f’pajjiżna.  Grazzi għall-impenn ta’ Festivals Malta u l-kollaboraturi kollha, tax-xogħol eċċellenti fil-promozzjoni tal-wirt artistiku,” temm jgħid il-Ministru Bonnici.

Ritratt: Darren Agius

Iċ-Chairman ta’ Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra qal, “Notte Bianca hija waħda mill-akbar avvenimenti fil-portafoll ta’ Festivals Malta li tinkludi diversi attivitajiet għal udjenzi varji. Sodisfatti li ta’ kull sena dan il-festival kulturali qiegħed dejjem jikber, kemm f’dik li hija produzzjoni u organizzazzjoni, kif ukoll fejn tidħol il-kwalità tax-xogħol preżentat mill-artisti tagħna. Kommessi biex bħala Festivals Malta nkomplu naħdmu biex Notte Bianca tkompli tkun ta’ suċċess kif dejjem kienet.”

Ritratt: Darren Agius

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Frans Agius spjega li din is-sena Notte Bianca qed tagħti prijorità lil diversi produzzjonijiet lokali, bil-maġġoranza mill-avvenimenti ppreżentati fil-programm huma lokali. “Notte Bianca toffri opportunità biex l-artist lokali jesebixxi xogħlu. Ħafna mill-produzzjonijiet li għandna huma oriġinali u maħduma apposta għal Notte Bianca u dan juri l-impenn u d-dedikazzjoni tal-artisti tagħna li dejjem jaħdmu fi ħdan il-kultura ta’ pajjiżna,” tenna s-Sur Agius. 

Ritratt: Darren Agius

Id-Direttur Artistiku ta’ Notte Bianca Antoine Farrugia ta aktar dettalji dwar il-programm ta’ din is-sena, filwaqt li fiehem kif wieħed għandu jagħmel biex igawdi kemm jista’ jkun mill-proġetti. “Waħda mill-prijoritajiet fit-tfassil tal-programm ta’ Notte Bianca hija l-varjetà. B’hekk bħal kull sena oħra qed naraw programm varjat li jappella għat-tfal, żgħażagħ, adulti u anzjani. Din is-sena erġajna introduċejna r-rotot ukoll li jgħinu lill-udjenzi tagħna jsibu dak il-proġett li jinteressahom l-aktar u fl-aħħar mill-aħħar jippjanaw il-lejl tagħhom bl-aktar mod effiċjenti.” 

Interpretazzjoni taż-żfin qasira minn MOVEO Dance Company. Ritratti: Darren Agius

Notte Bianca hija organizzata minn Festivals Malta bl-appoġġ tal-Ministeru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali u b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ 89.7 Bay, Bay Easy u European Heritage Days. Għal aktar informazzjoni u għall-programm komplut wieħed għandu jżur


Notte Bianca returns on the 5th of October


A varied program has been launched that includes performances all over Valletta


The Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and the Local Government Dr Owen Bonnici together with Festivals Malta, launched the program for this edition of Notte Bianca which will take place on Saturday 5th October 2024.


Minister Bonnici explained how this edition of Notte Bianca will include over 50 activities scattered around Valletta with the involvement of around 250 local and international artists of the highest calibre.

"A great effort is being made to ensure a variety of activities that appeal to all ages, through which we continue to add to our country's cultural offer.  I thank the team at Festivals Malta all our collaborators for their commitment and for the excellent work in promoting our artistic heritage," concluded Minister Bonnici.


The Chairman of Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra said, "Notte Bianca is one of the biggest events in Festivals Malta’s portfolio which includes a varied number of activities for different audiences. We are proud that this cultural festival keeps growing year after year, both in terms of production and organisation, as well as when it comes to the quality of the work presented by our artists. As Festivals Malta we are committed to keep elevating Notte Bianca, so it continues to be successful as it has always been."


The CEO of Festivals Malta, Mr Frans Agius explained that this year Notte Bianca is giving priority to various local productions, with most of the events presented in the program being produced by local artists. Mr. Agius said, "Notte Bianca offers an opportunity for the local artist to exhibit his work. Most of the productions we have are original and created especially for Notte Bianca and this shows the commitment and dedication of our artists who always work to strengthen our country’s cultural offer.."


The Artistic Director of Notte Bianca Antoine Farrugia explained his vision for this year's program, while explaining how one should navigate Valletta to enjoy as much projects as possible. "One of my priorities when designing Notte Bianca's program is variety. Thus, like every other year, we are seeing a varied program that appeals to children, young people, adults and the elderly. During Notte Bianca there is always something for the whole family. This year we have once again introduced the artistic routes that help our audiences find the project that interests them the most and ultimately plan their night in the most efficient way."


Notte Bianca is organised by Festivals Malta with the support of the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and the Local Government and in collaboration with 89.7 Bay, Bay Easy and European Heritage Days. For more information and for the complete program one should visit



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